Wednesday, October 27, 2010
If you go to alternative places here in Santiago, you can find this particular kind of people. Peace and love, the most are veggies (vegeterian or vegans), ride colorfull and vintage bycicle...
Ok, I will try to make and objetive post in my blog, but you can look that I have a idea about the "green people" and they horrible fashion.
Well, I really think that make environmnental friendly practices are one of the best proposition in the last 15 years. In a world where the biggest entrerprises (and countries) take the control of the economy, consume and of course, the production, the social organization (civil society) it is the last alternative.
In their beginning the ecological movement grew in the base of the a independent social movement, specifically in industrialised countries. In that sense, if the ecological organization want to fight a way of production (in marxist terms), they are in the wrong way making a fashion around some practices. That's the reason because I don't support the actual movement, but I'm constant doing my own practices.
The chilean government doesn't want to promote a environmental policy because they are inserted in a dependent relation flow with the industrialised countries. Chile export prime material and that's the reason because our rivers and sea are full of garbage and filth.
Meanwhile there aren`t a change in the production way, the environmentall friendly efforts will be a residual and minimal forces. I hope that this reality change one day :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
An unusual chance
My favorite subject were history and geography, the politics tendencies elective, literature, and of course, the football time. I still have contact with Carolina, the history teacher and with Guillermo, the teacher of Latinamerican Literature. This last one suggested me to study either Anthropology or Sociology. Firtsly I had intention to study Anthropology, but then, thinking and thinking I decided for the sociology.
I remember those conversations with Guillermo. We came to Plaza Ñuñoa at least 3 times to chat about my future, and eventually his future, because he is atheistic and that is a forbidden characteristic in a religious school, so he had problems with the superior priest and the school authorities.
With the tecnology I don't have much affinity. I only remember with happiness, the technologic evolution that my generation lived during the high-school. We were the generation that started presenting in card, then in diskette, years later in a cd and finally in a pendrive. I recall the pasion and dedication with my friends and I wrote in the cards, the subtlety with which pot glue in the newspaper with internet everything is easy, everithing is possible.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
¿How Fair is Britain?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Miners...the eternal wait
The miracle happened the August 22th, near the noon. I remember that I was preparing the lunch with my mother when in radio cooperativa confirm the rumor that ran all the morning...the 33 miners were alive in the refuge. Independently of any politic position, that day it was one of the more incredibles that I can remember.
Ok, a lot of people hate Piñera and his despicable capacity of appear when anybody wants to see him, someone like me think that the chilean flag has a simbolic charge of death and intolerance can't understand why was in hands of innocent people...dispite of all of that negative things, that day, the day with the miners send the historic piece of paper with the sentence "estamos bien en el refugio los 33" was an historic day of our horrible country.
Historic day, like will be the day when the rescue be effective. Yesterday I saw in the midnight news that a rescue drill was in 300 meters and the other two drills was also with positive progress. I can't imagine the face of their families. One day, when I was child, I cry because my father was 5 days in Argentina...i can't think about, their sons, their wifes...oh my god.
I'm wating that day...even, i think that a tear will run down my face. Ja, i'm not a sensible guy, but specifically this news, broke my heart.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Santiago, a boring city

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Everything is ok (I think so)

Monday, June 28, 2010
I am with those that always lose ... with those that build the country
The night before the earthquake, I was in my girlfriend house watching, as many people, the Arjona´s presentation in the “Festival de Viña del Mar”. I don´t like the romantic music, also Arjona, whom I detest. Their songs were all alike, are slow and dull. It is a contradiction that women are the fans, when he beats his wife at home (yes, I’m a gossip boy jajaja), but as the saying goes: “in taste there is nothing written”.
For some strange reason, I do not recall at this moment, I decided to go home, at about 2 am by bus and not on my bike, as always (situation that caused me problems after). I arrived home at about 3am and I was hooked to the internet. I didn’t want to sleep, yet, in that hot summer night. I remember I started to download a movie: "500 days of summer" when he began to tremble. Then came the power outage and we all remember what came next.
The first thing I did was be with my parents. Secondly, I call my little brother that was at a party. Then I tried to do the same with my girlfriend but communications were already cut: (.Just at 7 am I could communicate with her.
The next day everything on television was earthquake. I wanted to go home to my girlfriend, and having no bike, I had to walk. After an hour and a half walking Santiago, I arrived and they (my girlfriend family) were all sitting and watching what the media called "looting and theft". Too bad.
Luckily with the passage of days, stopped lying and started to show the truth: A town stomped and beaten, which rises as ever, despite the difficulty of fate
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Improving my English blog after blog

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
University Teaching
And I think in order to change this reality that the University teaching is central (that's the biggest reason why I also participate in a politic group). If I can change a subject that has no impact beyond the four walls of the room, for other that is coming from social demands and have national relevance, is an important switch in the way that we build University.
That's my main motivation. From inside, from the classroom, lead a revolution (yes, you're reading well, a revolution) in the University and being a professor gives you sufficient tools (or weapons) to do it. In your classes you can develop some interesting topics, both in your researchs or publications. And obviously have an impact on the discipline.
A sociologist committed to the social world is be an investigator who does not split theory and practice. The knowledge produced in the university is a public property, is for all, because use ideas and projects from the society and the state. Move towards a new university, adapted to the twenty-first century is the target in my "becoming-a-sociologist" process and in my professional future.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A passion since childhood
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ipod Touch :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Return to Childhood

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Boys and girls, pack your bags...

When I was 5 years old, my father opened the door and said: "boys and girls, pack your bags because we are going to live to Colombia". Colombia? What was that? I really didn't know where Colombia was. After that, I took a world map and immediately started to cry. OMG, it was and other country and no one of my family lived there. It was very difficult for me to accept the new reality. However, as the time went by though I was feeling more and more comfortable, I made friends and gave my first kiss (awww) but one day, in 1997, my father said again "boys and girls, pack your bags because we return to Chile"
In 2002 we went back to Chile and from there, we do our normal lives. My parents were tired of be traveling and be unable to enjoy with our family. I can only say, that it was a good decision.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Be Married with a Theory or be a GEEK?
I'm studing sociology since 2007 and no one can convince me. Who are Marx, Weber and Durkheim?, Who are Parsons, Luhmann, Giddens, Habermas and Bourdieu? Who are member of the Frankfurt School?...All of them have reason, and that's th

If u are learning about systems theory, Parsons, Luhmann, Arnold & Rodriguez will be correct in their analysis, but if you are studing about marxist theory, all the different authors of that theory, will be your favorite. Has been common for me, be in the science's kiosk with my friends talking about this. One day I'm the biggest fan of Althusser, but the next day, I will "give a child" to Bourdieu.
And I think that's normal, because we are learning about it...we are just students.The reason about that, I think, is that I'm idealist (only in sociology). I'm expecting about "THE THEORY", one specific and perfect viewpoint. Other reason could be, the clear political position that I have about the role of the discipline in the society. If the sociology don't theming the social inequialities...NEXT!
I'm expecting to find my favorite theory or author, but actually, I'm just a geek.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Things that I like to do
The first one is the classic "men's hobby": Soccer. I started to play this fantastic sport since I have memory. I remember that on every christmas, my partens gift me a soccer ball, but I must to play in the garden, because I could broke anything in the living room. My favorite soccer team is Universidad Católica (yes, I know that it is a "high class team" and that we have the reputation of being second in all the tournaments, but I don't care, I'm "cruzado"). So big is my fanatism, that I'm thinking to make me a tatoo of "La Católica". I go to the stadium every weekend (although it is over the mountains), and I travel to different cities of Chile, Argentina and Colombia following it.
The second one is surf the net (internet). The last year I bought a notebook (I really don't know if it is a "netbook" of a "notebook", because is a 12,1 inches), and has been the best investment of my life! Is easy to move (fits perfectly in my bag), is lightweight and it will sounds cute! (OMG! if my friends read this, i will be bother every day). My favorites web pages are gmail, facebook and rojadirecta. In the first one, I recieve my e-mails and chat with my friends; In the second one, I keep up contact with my old friends; The third one, is for watch all sport's game free on internet.
My last hobby, is being lie with my girlfriend watching a movie or a idiot T.V program (Calle 7 rulz!!) I reccomend it for all the couples. A cup of tea, chips and garlic mayonnaise...nothing better for this fall/winter.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Do you really want to know me?
Well, as first I can told you is my name and other things. I'm Diego Corvalán, but you can call me "Diegue" or "Pez". I expect to be a Sociologist the next year (and my parents wants the same) because I want to start working and do something. I know that the life is not for sleep and drunk beer, but I would like that kind of life.
If you really want to know me, please visit my blog every day =)